Friday, March 16, 2012

A Message for You My Dear D:

Well, how should i start? Okay listen, i just want to tell you that i miss you so much. Especially when i explore my older post on my blog, and almost everything is about you. I miss the feelings when i'm with you, i miss being loved by you. Awwwww :') Well you, I might have erased yr texts but i will never forget what you wrote. We might have stopped talkin, hanging at the bus stop after school and all, but i will never forget your voice. NEVER. We might have stopped hugging, but i will never forget how you smell. Your really lovely smell :')
Anything we did, I will never forget. You are a really best thing that ever been mine. And, i hope you will never have my replacement, because I swear that i can't take it, knowing somebody got my baby. I meant everything i said here,like srslyyyy  :'(
Why can't you understand that i still love you?! :(


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Al- Fatihah - 9 March 2012

   This is Akif Iskandar. We;ve been a classmates for 3 years. After long time not seeing him, something bad happen to him. He was involved on a really bad accident, and he died. This was so sad. He is a good friend to me, but i know, Allah loves him more. Al-Fatihah for him. May he rest in peace :')

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Super Sundaaaay! :D

Well, this Sunday, I decided just to be at home, spending my precious weekend with my beloved family. It's bored being at home, but I'd make it fun. So, guess wht? I spend my time watching my lil bro and sis swimming, it's fun making jokes with them. Hihi. Wanna see their happy face. Here let me show you,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Berfikir sejenak :)

sering aku terfikir 'susah sngt ke hidup ni?'
mmg tipu la if aku cakap senang sbb if senangg sangt bukan life la namanya..kan?memang tuhan da tetapkan dalam dunia ni ada macam macam jenis org.ada yang gemuk dan hodoh lagi busuk tapi baik hati,ada yang kurus cantik,wangi lagi tapi hati dia busuk macam longkang tersumbat.ada juga yang sopan,kurang asam,terlebih garam,pelik,freak,drama queen,muka bertalam-talam,suka main tikam-tikam dan banyakkk lagi lah.itulah apa yang kita akan jumpa dalam menjalani hari hari yang mendatang ni.and we sure dont want to mess with the wrong person..tapi hidup ni ada yang indahnya.evryday pun ada miracle yg berlaku.sbgai contoh,maybe pada belah pagi kita rasa miserable je sbb kena marah dgn papa pasal mandi lama sngt,org lain sume tunggu but at the end of the day,time tgh menjemur pakaian kita terjumpa duit RM50 dalam pocket baju kerja papa.rezeki jgn ditolak kata just face life and live it to the fullest as if you're goin to die the next day.bila buat salah,we learn from it.bila terjatuh,bangun.jgn mengalah.whatever it is,hidup mesti diteruskan.hanya org yg lemah dan berfikiran cetek je yg akan cuba lari dari masalah.dah la lari dari masalah,dorang tambah pulak masalah org lain dgn guna cara singkat;commit suicide.bodoh ke bangang?ishishish.Allah takkan uji hamba dia dgn ujian yg tak dpt kita nak tanggung,tak payah la nak toreh tangan bila break dgn boyf/girlf atau cucuk mata pakai garfu macam kassim selamat or bawak motor lajulaju,accident smpai terbarai otak korang tu.just face it and be strong.if tak berapa nak strong,buat buat strong pun takpe asal jgn jadi sprti yg tersenarai tadi.
with love,
chio bebeh!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Specially Dedicated

cik dot dot dot, awak sangat ANNOYING. ohhmaiigodd
selalu buat orang marah
selalu marah-marah,
datang bulan kah?
selalu cari kesalahan orang lain
selalu berlagak pandai,
sombong bodoh mungkin?
jgn ingat kau hebat
jgn ingat aku takut
powerful la konon?
jangan takbur
jangan suka buat cerita
itu menipu namanya
sudah la..
tak payah buang masa
and even masa kau.
buat penatt je and
sangat membazir oke.
*andd untuk awak perempuan,STOP BOTHERING ME!

at 2.27 pm

As much as I try not to think and worry about my future, I honestly do. Don't you get some kind of goosebumps when you realize that the time is ticking soo quickly and another year of your life is almost over?Oh my.Lets do something for the world. Make a change, at least a small change. And and don't forget to smile, because happiness is contagious :D I'm happy. Don't you?